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Venus Restoration Rituals

23 hr 55 min
222.22 US dollars

Service Description

PLEASE NOTE THIS RITUAL CAN ONLY BE DONE DURING VENUS RETROGRADE. WE RECOMMEND YOU BOOK IN ADVANCE Venus is the planet of beauty, fertility, purity, renewal, duality, inspiration, relationships, creativity, affection, passion, desire, femininity, and so much more. Venus rules so many material & spiritual qualities that reflect themselves in our lives daily. These rituals are designed to REBIRTH the GODDESS in you, that you were sent HERE to be. Everyone gets to a point where they are only focusing on the things going on around them. I have been there too and it’s not a good place. I know what it feels like to have your back is up against the wall. But it was only when I was in this position, did I realize how you can lose sight of yourself. You begin to stop doing all the things that make you happy. You stop doing your hair, getting your nails done, and you start to let yourself go because you are so stressed out. I personally designed this ritual to not only restore what had been lost, but to reclaim the power left in situations that no longer deserved my energy. This ritual also reconnects you to your self love removing all self doubts and insecurities. In honesty, it’s one of my top 10 favorite rituals because it gives back something we lose so easily.

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel your appointment we ask that you give us at least 24 hours notice. However, we understand that last minute situations occur without notice. Therefore if you need to reschedule your reading, we will do our best to reschedule your appointment for the next available if possible, please keep in mind this is not a guarantee. As we get booked for readings very fast due to high demand. After you receive and or begin to receive your products, services, readings, rituals, etc there are NO REFUNDS.

Contact Details

  • United States


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