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Juniper Smudge Bundle

Juniper Smudge Bundle

One 4 Inch Juniper Bundle

Smudging is a spiritual cleansing, blessing, and ritualistic tradition that dates back to the Native Americans, Aboriginals, Mayans as well as others cultures. This ancient tradition has been passed down from generation to generation not only because of tradition but also due to the various benefits of smudging. 

Smudges can be used to drive away evil, healing, protection, clearing, warding, love, money and so much more. Smudging combined with other methods such as cauldron burning, candle burning, and other rituals can enhance your desired intention. 

Juniper is used for healing, love, protection, exorcism, and warding evil . 

Here are some ways you can smudge your home.

Items Needed

1 Permanent Marker (White, Black, or Blue Recommended)
3 Glass White Candles
1 Blue Candle 
Smudge stick(s) per your intention

First: On one of the White candles write Purity 7 times. On the next whit candle write cleansing 7 times, the third whit candle will be used to light your smudge stick. On the blue candle write protection 7 times. If you have any purity, cleansing, or protection oils and or ritual salts, you can use those to dress your candles. Make sure you do not add too much, to avoid the candle catching fire. Also be sure to monitor these candles as well. (You may light your candles once you have written and or dressed them). 

Second: Open the windows & doors to your home, this will give the energies you are removing a way out of your space.

Third: Light you smudge stick with the remaining white candle, that you did not write on. Once your smudge stick is burning good start at the front first space in your home, which should be by the front door. Walk around the room with your armed stretched out getting each corner, and upper sides of your walls, once you have smudged the top make sure you smudge the bottom as well. Negative energies love to harvest in corners, so make sure you get those corners. 

 Make sure to repeat the third step in each room of your home, this includes the bathrooms, washroom, closets, hallways etc. 

Once you are done, you can smudge yourself by warding the smudge stick around your head, down your body, to the soles of your feet. If others in your home would like to be cleansed spiritually you may cleanse them as well. If you would like to use one smudge stick for your household and another for cleansing the body, that is perfectly fine. 

You can also use smudges to cleanse your ritual tools, car, outside of your home, by simply waving your smudge stick and speaking your intention.

All the ingredients have been ethically collected by our vendors. These ingredients are free of any pesticides and herbicides, and are not fumigated or irradiated, ensuring that their energies are pure & very powerful indeed. 

The information given for this item is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease, nor is it presented as an alternative to regular medical attention. If you are in need of medical attention please contact a health professional immediately. Some information we supply is obtained from historical sources, our own personal experiences or represent opinions of a published author.
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